
Are publishers catpeople?

Still having problems with the server – or rather, more precisely, with the interaction between my installation of MT and the server’s Perl installation – so posting is excruciatingly slow and will only work through the regular interface. I would like to regale you, my gentle readers, with some fun impressions from my visit to the Frankfurt international music fair, as well as a nice photo from one of my favorite club’s closing party last night. Alas, visual amusement will have to wait until the above problems are dealt with.

Still, to end this weekend on a slightly positive note, while reading up a little on recent conversations about “citizen media” I found an interesting transcript of a panel discussion over at Corante. The most notable quote is from th Guardian Unlimited’s Simon Waldman, who may have found an analogy for online communities, offline publishers may be able to understand –

Owning a community is like owning a cat. You have to understand that it can leave at any moment. You have to show it a lot of love and affection and forgive it if it shits in your kitchen.

Still, even in case they understand the analogy, they might still be allergic to cats – or simply decide not become catpeople. We’ll see.
