
Born Blogging? Some things are

Born Blogging? Some things are better left unsaid. What use is it to blog the birth of one’s child as this guy did? Is this – \”10 centimeters dialated, and SW’s water just broke\” – something the wider public should be told about, even when being wildly optimistic about its interest? No. And certainly not at this point of time – \”I should probably call my parents at some point.\” Oh my, I can already hear this guy’s `wife say. So, while I was in agony giving birth to our child you were more interested in telling the world about the state of my vagina than in supporting me. And if he told he about the blogging before and she did not say anything – this is probably what she thought. And rightly so. The link (from instapundit) reminds to read a book that has been sitting on my shelf for some time without being openend – \”Der Wert des Privaten\” – the value of privacy – by Barbara Roessler.
