
Comparing Apples with… Apples.

In all the years – ok the couple of years – that I’ve been using blog-CMS I’ve not seen a more pointless discussion of the relative merits of the systems Movabletype and WordPress. Still, enjoy the absurdity…

The Multiplicative Hypothesis » God I Hate WordPress

By the way, was first on Blogger/blogspot, then on MT, then, briefly, on Expression Engine, and now it is on WordPress. All systems have strengths and weaknesses. But they are usually related to the way they are handling content, not the templating. Currently, in my opinion, EE is the most flexible, but also the most complex system and spam protection did not work well. WordPress is less flexible, mostly because it’s a single blog system, but it’s fast, easy to SEO, there’s a hack or plugin for everything, and it’s good on Spam protection.

That’s why I’m using WP at the moment. But the login effect is hardly impossible to overcome. And WP really needs todo something about the admin interface.
