Allgemein, almost a diary, almostadiary


Back in the Summer of 1998, I spent a couple of days in a hostel in San Diego before driving up Highway No. 1 to San Francisco with my sister. One day, I crossed the local border to Tijuana with a couple of fellow backpackers. We ate too many great Burritos, bought too many 2-Dollar-Margaritas, and were harassed by too many strip club promoters. Later that day we walked back into the US without any problems. The next day, I saw Sammy Sosa attempt to beat Mark McGwire in the Qualcomm Arena.

That was then. This is now:

NY Times: German Tourists Detained for Weeks, Then Deported From U.S.

(And yes, I am very aware that compared to many people on this planet, I am lucky to be a national of a country whose passport makes most international borders a mere administrative annoyance.)

Titelbild und Rückseite - Frosch 8 - Schülerzeitung des Theresianum Mainz, 1993

Frosch 8

Nachdem ich ich ja leider immer noch zu wenig blogge, dachte ich, ich veröffentliche zumindest mal einen Blick in meine “schriftstellerische Vergangenheit”: die Diashow unten ist eine gescannte Sonderausgabe der Schülerzeitung “Frosch”, die ich ich zu meiner Oberstufenzeit mit ein paar Freunden herausgegeben habe. Ein großes Thema in dieser Ausgabe war ein Aufklärungsheft der Landeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung Rheinland-Pfalz, das es aufgrund seiner für damalige Verhältnisse noch etwas blumigen Sprache zu bundesweiten Schlagzeilen – und nicht nur beim Frosch – gebracht hatte.

Titelbild und Rückseite - Frosch 8 - Schülerzeitung des Theresianum Mainz, 1993

almostadiary, songs, songwriting

Guardian Angel

I’m in Amsterdam this weekend, to celebrate the wedding of two friends. And while they were clever enough to avoid unwanted and unneeded presents by sending a list, I decided that I’ll add something more personal, sat down at the piano, and wrote a song. It’s called Guardian Angel, and I hope the happy couple enjoys listening to it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you, gentle reader, are so inclined, you may also enjoy it, by downloading the mp3 from the RSS feed, or simply by pressing play on that flash player below.

It’s a home recording, and much is VST based. Many thanks to Sebastian Linke for the drums arrangement, which he put together on a motorway at 130km/h with a laptop on his, well, lap. If you got the beat, you just got it… enjoy!

Guardian Angel, words and music by Tobias Schwarz, (c) 2007

In all these nights I couldn’t sleep
I lay awake tried not to weep
So torn apart I didn’t know there was
Hope for me beyond the rush
of emotional drugs

Some call it fate others a dream
Some say phenylethylamine
Some call it luck they just don’t understand
The truth I’m holding in my hand
When I’m holding yours

You give me strength, you make me weak
You are the sense to all the madness
I feel in me

I see your face
When I close my eyes at night
It dawns on me
Can’t live without you by my side
You save my life
With every glance you lay on me
My guardian angel
You’ll be watching over me
You’ll be watching over me

I live my life each single day
I count the hours you’re away
My blessed heart beats for you eternally
It knows that immortality
Is another word for love

You give me strength, you make me weak
You are the sense to all the madness
I feel in me

I see your face
When I close my eyes at night
It dawns on me
Can’t live without you by my side
You save my life
With every glance you lay on me
My guardian angel
You’ll be watching over me
You’ll be watching

You’ll be watching all the while
As I’ll watch over you
’cause I’m your guardian angel
I’m your guardian angel

I see your face
When I close my eyes at night
It dawns on me
Can’t live without you by my side
You save my life
With every glance you lay on me
My guardian angel
You’ll be watching over me

I see your face
When I close my eyes at night
It dawns on me
Can’t live without you by my side
You save my life
With every glance you lay on me
My guardian angel
You’ll be watching over me
You’ll be watching

You’ll be watching over me
You’ll be watching over me
