German Politics, photoblogging

She never looked better.

Angela Merkel looks better on.Certainly not after the results were announced. Not even the little moustache someone painted above her upper lip seem to bother her. Stuff like that doesn’t bother people who have already discounted a clear-cut victory. However – losing bothers them. A lot. Return to this picture to see what I’m talking about when you’re watching the news these days.


Britney at Songramp

A couple of days ago, I discovered a web community of singers and songwriters who comment on each others pieces. So I became a member and put some of the songs you can hear on tapsmusic online there as well. Including one that you cannot listen to here: Britney – a quick song demo about a dream I had last week.

So if you’re interested in finding out what other people think of my song demos, you can check out my page at

Update (2014): While the profile page still works, “Britney” is no longer available via, but you can listen to it right here!

almost a diary, photoblogging, traveling

King and Queen of… Sweden.

King and Queen of... Sweden.Finally a holiday experience that will impress my grandmother, who is, among many other things, fluent in all things concerning “European royalty.” Well, I suppose as fluent as reading women’s and celebrity magazines will get you in this respect.

So on my way back to Stockholm airport, I saw a tall guy with an earpiece standing in the middle of a road I had to cross. Then the royal carriage appeared and King and Queen of Sweden passed on their way to the annual opening of the Swedish Parliamentary session. Not sure, but it appears to be something like the “Queen’s Speech” in Britain.

Remembering what GWB’s visit to my home town had been like in February this year – remmeber, people who lived close to the place where he met with Chancellor Schroeder had to pass the entire day behind closed curtains not to risk being shot by US secret service snipers on the next building – I was mostly surprised about the relative lack of royal intrusion in people’s lives.

Where Bush had 3 motorways closed as well as airplanes diverted, King and Queen came, greeted and went to the Parliament with amazing royal understatement – despite the impressive amount of cavalry accompanying them.

almost a diary, photoblogging

Hej! from Stockholm.

Hej! from Stockholm.Despite my still serverely limited mobility I made it to Stockholm for the first bi-annual afoe stakeholder meeting.

Too bad that only a couple of fistfuls came to Sweden this weekend, but it’s great to finally meet some of the people I’ve blogged with for two years now.

Too bad as well that I won’t see as much of Stockholm as I would like because of overly frequent foot-caused coffee breaks.

Too bad, too, that almost all of those coffee breaks are taking place in self-service coffee shops. Waiting is a apparently an activity limited to rel restaurants in Sweden…

almost a diary, oddly enough

News from the School.

Still laughing my head off. Got this from the Guardian’s backbencher newsletter – they did not yet feature it in the alumni newsletter ;).

Congratulations to Monica Lewinsky, who will begin an MSc in social psychology at the LSE next month. Regrettably, the option on Gender and Psychology, which includes a unit on workplace relations, is not available in the next academic year. LSE suggests “Rethinking the [Word Omitted] Body: Theories, Cultures and Practices” as a suitable alternative.

songs, songwriting

My Wicked Ways, Pt. 2

My Wicked Ways is actually one of the first songs I’ve ever written – back in 1993. Back then I did not write lyrics for the song, so I added those last year when I listened to some of my “earlier” stuff. That’s the reason for the “Pt. 2” in the title.

My Wicked Ways is actually not too wicked a song. It’s a light ballad and you can get the VST based demo as mp3 (128kbit, enclosed). Words, music and vocals by Tobias Schwarz, 1993-2005.


