US Politics

“Made In Texas: George W. Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics” by Michael Lind.

cover Interesting look behind the scenes of the culture that GWB grew up in. Lind makes a lot of interesting arguments about the seemingly fundamentalist basis of the Republican party and their pact with ivy-league educated neoconservatives. While his claims seem superficially credible to a non-expert reader like me, I would have preferred to get more data backing up his claim that 5% premillenial fundamentalists have hijacked the GOP because of their high turnout in Republican primaries.


Judentum – Ein kurze Einfuehrung by Norman Solomon. At some point I realised that I had read a whole lot about Israel and the politics of the Middle East and was somewhat lacking the spiritual context. It’s a neat, brief introduction into Judaism – but it leaves the reader with more questions than he had before…
