oddly enough, quicklink

Night of the long knives.

Kids, don’t click this link if you cannot entirely rule out the possibility of having a plastic surgery one day. Via Lillimarleen comes this link (Update 06/02/2014: link not working) to awful examples of plastic surgery.

And indeed, having at least a little idea of the kind of stunning effects well done plastic surgery can have, I am surprised that even some A-list celebrities are still being visually handicapped by their beauty-ops. Anyway – have a look, if you dare.

Oh, and here’s another beauty related statistic I recently overheard: In Venezuela, half of the upper-class girls aged 16-20 are getting “something” done -maybe that’s the reason why Venezuelan girls are renown for their beauty.

oddly enough, quicklink

Japanese For Runaways.

Did you know that the Japanese adapted German words for “gypsum-corset” (Gipskorsett – gipusukorusetto), “dry-construction” (Trockenbau – torokkenbau), “potence” (Potenz – potentsu) and “stroll” – (Wanderung – wanderungu), only to name a few? To bridge this and similar gaps in geography and lifestyle, go and grab one of Die Zeit’s daily knowledge-bites.

oddly enough, Political Theory, quicklink, USA

Trading Bush-Shares.

Ever wanted to short sell a few Condis and find out what the price for three-month Colin-Caps is? Spiegel Online reports that Paris-based American expat Andrew Geiger has initiated the American Action Market, a trading platform that will (intentionally) provide insights into the actions and decisions of the US government. The idea is modeled after the US Department of Defense’s now withdrawn idea of a Policy Analysis Market. (link to story)

German Politics, oddly enough, Political Theory

A New Kind Of Democracy.

Look what I found on “ciao.com” while looking for credibilty ratings of an ebay pro-seller.

Now that’s what I call “political marketplace”. For those not literate in German, the image below is a screen capture from ciao.com, a website where people can leave their opinions on everything from white laces to, well, globalisation. The latter, of course, is only 68% recommended.

globalisation 68% recommended by commentators on ciao.com

I wonder if it wouldn’t be a good idea to demographically profile the membership of these fora to see whether these opinions are anywhere close to “representative”. While I suppose that would be too hard to implement, especially because of privacy concerns I guess in ciao.com’s strategic business outlook they already see themselves as a real competitor in the traditional polling market.

Will be interesting to see.

oddly enough

Fly away, astray…

Papascott links to this worldmap on the homepage of AirIndia, wondering if their pilots will know where to go when on their way to European airports. Not too bad a question, I have to say…

But let’s face it, geography, particularly European geography, can be tricky sometimes, as the US edition of the National Geogrpahic found out last November in a poll regarding the geography knowledge of young people from several countries, including Germany and the US. And as this classic image from a geographically usually reliable news source indicates… (I could not find the one where they put Iraq instead of Poland ;))

CNN geography

By the way, I have been a bit quiet for some days, but I have some drafts in preparation.

oddly enough, photoblogging, US Politics

Deep Throat.

Deep Throat: Hillary ClintonI wonder what Mrs Clinton wants to tell us here – personally, I suppose she’s indicating that she can solve the puzzle about the identity of Bob Woodward’s and Carl Bernstein’s secret helper in uncovering the Watergate scandal, deep throat. On the other hand, regarding the traumatic oral experiences her husband made her go through back in 1998, different interpretations are clearly possible ;)…

(found at zogbyblog.)

German Politics, oddly enough, quicklink

The Schill Factor.

People living in Hamburg have to cope with a rather special political crop these days: Roland Schill, a former judge who founded his own party and in 2001 managed to gain enough votes among dissatisfied conservatives to become junior partner and senator responsible for police and internal affairs in a CDU led coalition. Knowing that only continued bullshitting can assure public attention, he now demands taking genetic fingerprints for fare evading… (via Spiegel Online).
