For those not familiar with German brands, “Granini” is higher quality fruit juice brand… though I love the sarcastic use of their glasses to sell a glowing poisonous something…
Archiv der Kategorie: photoblogging
One not made for Cannes.
These days, whereever I go, bad advertisement seems to multiply around me. Is it me, or is the quality of the common German advertisement getting worse, if at all possible?
35 degrees
It’s -5 degrees at home. It’s snowing. In Rio, it’s 30 degrees. Sun’s shining. That’s about 1,5 degrees shift per hour for me until tomorrow evening.
– 16%
That’s how to stimulate the German aggregate demand: cut the VAT. Media Markt did just that – if only for a day. Consequence: queues unheard of since the end of communism. Unbelievable.
Ever wondered why you might need contacts but never dared to ask? This horrible advertisement in the Hamburg S-Bahn thinks it has the answer…
The Ninth Day

Oscar-winning German director Volker Schlöndorff discusses his latest movie “Der Neunte Tag” (The Ninth Day) at the FilMZ movie festival in Mainz.