Skriptdoktoring in der Filmklasse des Akademie für Bildende Künste Mainz. Die Größe des Entwurfsbereichs ist leider umgekehrt proportional zum momentanen Budget des allerdings sehr vielversprechenden Projekts… Akademion.
Schlagwort-Archive: moblogging
Mainz 05 testet Hajduk Split
Nachdem schon ca. 7.000 Besucher zum Trainingsauftakt gekommen waren, sind es beim ersten ernst zu nehmenden Test nach dem Abstieg auf keinen Fall weniger. An einem Montagabend. 1:0 steht es zu Beginn der zweiten Halbzeit.
Update – Am Ende stand es 1:1.
It’s Carnival, baby!
Yes, gentle readers, it’s that time of The year again!
Clicking the image will take you to my flickr account. The picture was taken with a SE t610.
Wal-Mart tried to contractually force their employees to restrain themselves from falling in love with each other. And if it weren’t for the German unions and court system they would have got their way. But then again, what’s bad for their employees must not be bad for their business – see this advertisement for a “shopping for singles” event at the local Wal-Mart.
Interestingly, their singles shopping seems to be rather popuplar – at least in theory. Two out of two people I told about this answered that they had not only heard about it, but that they actually wanted to see what it’s like at some point.
Good products solve problems. Good stores should, too. I think it is truly impressive how one private hierarchy (aka company) can be such a ideal-type display of all things good *and* abysmal about a market economy.
Clicking the image will take you to my flickr account. The picture was taken with a SE t610.
Red Light Cab.

It’s probably hard to see, but this cab is featuring an advertisement for a brothel – Germany’s biggest, if I heard correctly. Never seen that before.. and it’s located in Cologne, easily a two-hour drive away. That would be an obscene cab ride in so many ways…
Clicking the image will take you to my flickr account. The picture was taken with a SE t610.
Trust the blogs!
Discovered the first printed ad for a blog provider in Germany…
Clicking the image will take you to my flickr account. The picture was taken with a SE t610.
35 degrees
It’s -5 degrees at home. It’s snowing. In Rio, it’s 30 degrees. Sun’s shining. That’s about 1,5 degrees shift per hour for me until tomorrow evening.
– 16%
That’s how to stimulate the German aggregate demand: cut the VAT. Media Markt did just that – if only for a day. Consequence: queues unheard of since the end of communism. Unbelievable.