Fußball, Sport

Thurk zu Friedrich für Deutschland.

Der beste Kommentar zur Spätberufung des Mainzer Innenverteidigers Manuel Friedrich in den Nationalkader kommt zweifelsohne von seinem Kollegen Michael Thurk –

05-Stürmer Michael Thurk gewann der Nominierung des Abwehrspielers auch aus anderem Grund Positives ab. “Da kann sich Manuel jetzt einen Mercedes bestellen. Der DFB-Sponsor gewährt Nationalspielern 20 Prozent Rabatt.”

Quelle: Kigges.de/forum


Seeing Eyes.

Every once in a while I’m so impressed with news about medical advances that I simply have to blog them. Yesterday, I read about a team of researchers at Ohio state university who had discovered a new way to keep HIV from infecting human cells, and I did not post a link. So now I simply had to tell you, my gentle readers, about this hopeful medical advacnce:

MIT Researchers Restore Vision In Rodents Blinded By Brain Damage

“Rodents blinded by a severed tract in their brains’ visual system had their sight partially restored within weeks, thanks to a tiny biodegradable scaffold invented by MIT bioengineers and neuroscientists.

This technique, which involves giving brain cells an internal matrix on which to regrow, just as ivy grows on a trellis, may one day help patients with traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and stroke.

The study, which will appear in the online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) the week of March 13-17, is the first that uses nanotechnology to repair and heal the brain and restore function of a damaged brain region.”

media, web 2.0

Yesterday’s news today…

Sure, search engines are a great tool to prestructure the ever increasing amount of information available out there. But if you ever wondered if there will always be humans involved in selecting and presenting news, here’s a preliminary answer – yesterday’s news became news again:

The SEO Blog: Google News Credibility Foiled By 15-Year Old

“Reading through SEO focused blog entries, Vandetta found an article that explained how to fool Google’s news system by writing fake press releases. Sensing an opportunity to experiment and play a joke on his friends, the self-described “Google fanboy” decided to see what would happen if he submitted a fake Google press release claiming the 15-year old New Jersey student was Google’s youngest employee.

The press release was issued through the free service I-Newswire and contained a number of spelling mistakes. Short and to the point, the release, which appeared to have been sent by a Google spokesperson Sonya Johnson (who’s actually existence is unconfirmed and is assumed to be imaginary), read:

“(I-Newswire) – 15 year old student, Tom Vendetta has been hired by search engine giant Google Inc. The student will receive a lowered salary, which will be placed into a bank account for future education, said Google CEO Larry Page. When asked what role Vendetta will play at the Tech Giant’s offices, Page said he wouldnt have a role at the Main Offices. Instead he would work from his home in the New Jersey suburbs. Vendetta will be incharge of working with recent security flaw’s in Google’s beta e-mail service, “Gmail”. Google said they first found out about him when they discovered the student’s blog, at http://tomvendetta.be. The media giant said they looked forward to working with Vendetta’s expertise in JavaScript and AJAX.”

A few hours after posting the fake press release, Vandetta logged into the news search tool Digg after receiving an automated email from MAKEBot (Digg’s Spider), to find his practical joke had become a credible international tech story. Google was even displaying reference to the press release in Google News and at in the news results placed above search results relating to Google employment or hiring.


A day that will live in infamy.

It’s not brandnew information, mankind has apparently been able for about a month to artificially create temperatures hotter than the sun. But still, it’s probably worth mentioning… particularly given the last sentence of the quote: Record Set for Hottest Temperature on Earth: 3.6 Billion Degrees in Lab – Yahoo! News

Scientists have produced superheated gas exceeding temperatures of 2 billion degrees Kelvin, or 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit. This is hotter than the interior of our Sun, which is about 15 million degrees Kelvin, and also hotter than any previous temperature ever achieved on Earth, they say.

They don’t know how they did it.

almost a diary, battleofthesexes, dating and gender, sex

Blogging helps you getting laid!

Well, or something to that effect – via netzpolitik.org

In this week’s Media Guy column for Advertising Age magazine, Dumenco contends that knowledge of the hippest, hottest blogs can increase hook-up opportunities and boost sexual attractiveness. He maintains some people are using niche blogs such as Gawker.com and Defamer.com to gain pop cultural insights that make them more socially desirable and ultimately more likely to get lucky. (source: Blog-savvy surfers in it for the sex)

It should be noted, though, that a) I’m still waiting for my first groupie, despite already having blogged since 2002 (and being a singer/songwriter, although I “ain’t a rockstar” (play song (mp3 streaming) / more of my songs) and b) German research from 2004 is underscoring my groupie-less experience. You can read what I wrote about it back then over on afoe. A little preview –

Apparently, according to the university’s press release, Prof. Schütz’ team has concluded that people who own homepages – mostly very well educated men, only 13% women – appear to be more uncertain in social conduct, less able to deal with criticism and have a more negative image of themselves than people who have not yet left any trace on a Google harddrive. Prof Schütz therefore assumes that websites are used as a substitute communication-tool because direct interpersonal contacts are more difficult to handle [for a part of] the owners of websites than for other people – even though she explicitly notes that dating is not something web authors have usually in mind….”

Bürgerrechte, Datenschutz, internet, privacy

Read! Netzpolitik.org! Now!

Ich habe schon seit einiger Zeit keine Blogroll mehr (die, die David für afoe angelegt hat, ist ohnehin ziemlich konkurrenzlos), aber netzpolitik.org, ein Blog rund um die politischen Themen der Informationsgesellschaft, ist mittlerweile zu einem festen Bestandteil meiner täglichen Onlinelektüre geworden – und das will schon was heißen.


Heul doch

Spiegel Online berichtet darüber, was passiert, wenn man Klein-Silvio sein Spielzeug wegnimmt: Eklat im Fernsehen: Berlusconi unterbricht wutentbrannt Live-Interview

Die kritischen Fragen einer Fernseh-Journalistin passten Italiens Regierungschef Silvio Berlusconi nicht: Er bezeichnete den Sender als “Kriegsmaschine”, brach das Live-Gespräch ab und stürmte wutentbrannt aus dem Studio.

Aber vielleicht ist er auch nur gereizt, weil er versprochen hat, bis zur Wahl keinen Sex zu haben. JFK hat uns schließlich schon vor langen Jahren darüber aufgeklärt, daß Politiker Kopfweh bekommen, wenn sie nicht jeden Tag Sex haben…

almost a diary

The end of the world as we know it.

Germany’s proposed federalism reform has a first victim: the shop closing law. Well, to be fair, as most shops haven’t really taken advantage of the latest deregulation of the law, it remains to be seen if there will be any substantial changes. One thing that will likely end is the gas station’s near monopoly in late night food sales. But then, they do have a considerable first mover advantage and their new shiny shops are everywhere, often earning more money than gas stations make by selling gas. So I doubt we’ll see too many small shops around the corner. Interestingly, some city center retailers are joining informal agreements about opening and closing hours: too many people were confused about some shops being open while others are closed, and took their business to the Wal-Mart equivalents which usually kept their doors open as long as legally possible.

It’s an interesting case study in culturally influenced transaction costs. Via n-tv.de

Die Mehrheit der Bundesländer will nach einem Bericht des “Focus” nach der Föderalismusreform die Ladenöffnungszeiten werktags freigeben und damit den Geschäften selbst überlassen. Das hat eine Umfrage des Nachrichtenmagazins “Focus” unter den 16 Bundesländern ergeben. Elf Länder haben sich bereits weitgehend festgelegt. Von ihnen wollen zehn die Öffnungszeiten an Werktagen rund um die Uhr erlauben oder zumindest deutlich ausweiten.


Der Wert des Privaten.

Heise news berichtet von einer Podiusiskussion der evangelischen Akademie in Berlin zum Thema Privatsphäre in der digitalen Welt.

Vertreter aus Politik, Polizei und Wissenschaft stellten sich am gestrigen Sonnabend auf einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie in Berlin der Frage, inwieweit die Privatheit angesichts terroristischer Bedrohungen und den in der digitalen Welt immer länger werdenden Datenschatten der Techniknutzer ein schützbares Gut ist.

Wird es ein Recht auf “disconnect” geben? Wie soll eine Gesellschaft ohne “kleine Geheimnisse” funktionieren können? Fragen über Fragen – Antworten schien gestern in Berlin allerdings auch niemand zu haben.
