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Germany Blogs (a little)

Wie ich blogge?!True, the relatively small size of the German blogosphere, just as the relatively large size of the French one, has always been an interesting phenomenon leading to all kinds of cultural hypotheses and repetitions of all too common stereotypes. But, believe it or not – Germany Blogs!

At least that’s the hypothesis – and in order to find out more about the endangered species “German blogger”, Jan Schmidt at the University of Bamberg is conducting a survey called “Weblogs 2005 – Bloggen im deutschsprachigen Raum”.

So, whether you’ve started yesterday or in 1999, or, like me, in 2002 – fill out the survey to demonstrate clearly that the claim is actually true : Germany blogs!

almost a diary, oddly enough, photoblogging, traveling

The way young housewifes bake.

the way young housewives bakeDespite the title, no porn here, gentle readers. But have a look at the book on the left which I found in the “family library” of the happy couple whose wedding celebrations I attended in Bochum this weekend: a loose translation of the book’s title would be “The way young housewifes bake.” The presence of said book is particularly interesting given that the newly wed wife admitted publicly during the party that her husband is the better cook…

Oh, before I forget: It was the first time I visited Bochum. And although I haven’t seen too much of it, Herbert Grönemeyer seems to be right to claim that is a better place to be than one usually thinks.

almost a diary

Grace Of My Heart

I’m zapping through the channels while getting myself a coffee and I’m finding out about a new kid in German tv town – an NBC subsidiary called Das Vierte (the forth). They’re broadcasting mostly older American movies and tv-series. Its a good guess I’m gonna like that channel – everyone would like a tv channel he finds out about because he recognizes scences from one of their favorite movies. In my case, it’s “Grace of My Heart“, a good, unfortunately underdeveloped film about a songwriter/singer (sic!) allegedly modeled after Carole King and wonderully played by Illeana Douglas.

I first saw the film nine years ago in UIP Germany’s executive theatre, while doing an internship with their avertising agency. Among other things, it was our job to come up with a decent German title. But the film was never released for cinema. Since then, I’ve watched it a couple of times and I like it just as much as back in 1996.

And the the soundtrack, featuring new Brill Building era songs specifically written for the film by, among others, Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello, is, in my opinion, nothing short of spectacular.

German Politics, oddly enough

On German-American Day, …

“… we also honor the important friendship between the United States and Germany. Our nations share beliefs in human rights and dignity, and on this day, I join all Americans in celebrating the bonds that tie our two nations and in reaffirming the importance of our continuing friendship.”

(via germany.info)

Leaving the the podium the President added to a close advisor – “… of course, we can always suspend it unilaterally, hehehe… that Chancellor guy I hate, what’s his name again, does he still rule those folks? Hmm, whatever, now go, get me a Pretzel! And buy some German knives. And guns. Germans know how to make guns. And knives. Oh wait a minute… guns… hmmm… were these folks really always our friends? Whatever… where’s my Pretzel?”

Iraq, oddly enough, US Politics

Recycled News.

So I’m checking my mail, browse quickly through a newsletter by n-tv, the German news-channel, and I’m suddenly two years younger.

Seriously, tonight I’m being told it’s news that George W. Bush allegedly told Palestinian PM Abbas that God told him to go nation-building in countries he did not even know about before.

Hmm, didn’t I write about this in June 2003? Strange, don’t you think?

Well, maybe not so much – The BBC is just doing such a good PR job for an upcoming documentary that the White House felt the need to once again deny these alligations, which appeared in Haaretz two years ago

Actually, I’m not quite sure why Bush has his spokesperson publicly deny this again. Acknowledging the debate is a lose-lose proposition from a PR standpoint. I mean, everyone who’s hoping he doesn’t literally talk to God about strategic decisions will not be deterred from believing that he actually does by a White House denial. On the other hand, those – currently rather unhappy – parts of his/the Republican constituency which would like it if their President spoke with God as literally as possible, might chose to believe…
