
Aufbrechen. Ausbrechen.

Horizont.NET, Freitag, 6. Mai 2005 –

“Die beiden Hamburger Agenturen Jung von Matt und Kemper Trautmann entwickeln gemeinsam eine Mutmacher-Kampagne für Deutschland. Der Auftritt steht unter dem Claim “Du bist Deutschland” und soll im Juni starten. Auftraggeber ist die Initiative “Partner für Innovation”, die Anfang 2004 von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder angeschoben wurde.

In dem Projekt sind neben der Bundesregierung Unternehmen wie Lufthansa, Deutsche Telekom und Bertelsmann engagiert. …

Die Kampagne wird laut Auskunft von Bertelsmann von “zahlreichen deutschen Medienunternehmen getragen”. Sie soll “zu einer neuen Aufbruchstimmung in Deutschland beitragen”, so der Gütersloher Konzern weiter. Das Brutto-Mediavolumen liegt Schätzungen zufolge bei 30 Millionen Euro …”

Ich bin auch Deutschland.


Ich bin auch Deutschland.

Today’s Marketing & PR newsletter from contains an interesting bit about yet another PR campaign for Germany. Two ad agencies from Hamburg, Jung von Matt and Kemper Trautmann will be jointly developing a “moral booster campaign” for Germany with the claim “Du bist Deutschland” (‘You are Germany’).

As the campaign will be funded by Chancellor Schroeder’s recently established initiative “partners for innovation” this is illustrating the amount to which marketing has become a necessariy element of politics… and somehow as well that the “capitalism” debate is also nothing but a sloppily executed viral PR campaign directed at a target group that will almost certainly not be touched by “innovation” campaigns of any kind…

By the way… I just registered the domain Maybe, if the campaign is sufficiently funny, I’ll put something along the lines of “Wir sind Papst online… stay tuned.

oddly enough, photoblogging

Land Of Confusion.


Around the corner from a friend’s place is a new thai-massage parlor – quite a luxurious one, judging from looking through their shopwindow at night time. And also one where actual thai massages take place. So, in order to clearly position themselves on the employment market for certified thai masseuses, the job-ad hanging in their window clearly states “no sex”. Unfortunately, I’m sure the magazine lying on the waiting room table next to the window with the ad might confuse at least a few potential applicants…


Duty! Or enchanted by Nora.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung’s Sascha Lehnartz met Nora Tschirner (in German), whose performance in Kebab Connection I was very impressed with, and fell in love with her zestful and melancholic but rather mature nature.

His impression of “Kebab Connection” mirrors mine –

“the film is rather funny for a German comedy. Which means as much as: for an Italian car it doesn’t need to go to the garage too often.”

But the article is not about the film, it is about a seemingly thoughtful aspiring actress who admits that she – after playing the leading role in a film set in the Hamburg immigrant milieu – discovered only last week at a German Volksmusik event in Berlin what the term “parallel society” really means. But – not too surprisingly – Mr Lehnartz is most excited about Ms Tschirner’s approach to “responsibility” – her role in Kebab connection is that of a young mother to be who – sort of – puts off her acting education to keep the baby. His conclusion – if everone in the “Generation Nora” were like her, we would not have to worry too much about Germany’s future. I suppose that’s a pretty big compliment coming from the FAZ, the central organ of enlighted German conservatism, and probably an expression of excitement about another perceived victory in the ongoing conservative battle against the seeming hedonistic irresponsibility exhibited by everyone under, say, 40 these days.

But there’s a chance that – blinded by excitement -, Mr Lehnartz wasn’t able to read between the lines:

“… of course it’s a generational thing that not everyone is screaming ‘I want all responsibility’ these days, but rather ‘alright, if I have to’. But in that case, we can do it. And to be able to do it in that situation is what counts in the end.”

It’s not too difficult to imagine why the FAZ believes that it’s clear to see that the time has come again for Kant’s sublime and mighty name, that has nothing charming or insinuating but requires submission. But I’m guessing we’ll very soon see Ms Tschirner choose a couple of roles that she’s got her own mind – and my bet is, at 23, she won’t think about Kant just yet.

And in my book, that’s reason not to worry too much about Germany’s future.

German Politics

A Used Papamobil. reports (in German) that 21 year-old Benjamin Halbe from Olpe, Germany, is selling his car on ebay. Not news, you think? Fair enough, but apparently, according to the car’s documentation, it previously belonged to Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger – although I’m not really sure about how Cardinals are supposed to handle personal property.

The new Pope supposedly used it to drive around incognito. I’m rather sure that will not be the reason for which the next owner will pay a significant premium for a used VW Golf.


Warp 9.5 to Stockholm. Or to Oblivion.

As past seemingly spectacular breakthrough experiments on “Cold Fusion” have only managed to spectacularly disappoint and discredit the scientific reputation of everyone involved, it is understandable that most physicists have grown a little cautious with respect to experiments that sound like hey have been copied and pasted from a Star Trek screenplay.

Yet, there can be no doubt that actually inventing a method to effectively use fusion energy outside of multi-billion thermo-nuclear reactors that use as much energy as a small country just to produce magnetic fields to separate “the sun” inside from the rest of the world would be (not just) the scientific jackpot, and would most certainly buy a first class round-trip to Stockholm.

So UCLA scientists Brian Naranjo, Jim Gimzewski and Seth Putterman actually tried and, according to an article they published in Nature, may have come close to winning the jackpot – but – maybe not close enough. (I quote from the Economist)

German Politics

The Bike is back.

When my sister moved to Hamburg last year, one of the first encouters with her new city of choice was that someone chose to steal her bike. As it was an unusual bike, maybe the thief was as confident as police were that they would find it and decided to take it back after sleeping over it.

The thief who stole Hans-Christian Stroebele’s bycicle last week apparently wasn’t quite as concerned about selling his booty. Via German MP Jakob-Maria Mierscheid’s blog I just learned that Hans-Christian has been united with his bike – a bycicle messenger recognized it on a local flee market and just bought it back for the rightful owner…

And the bottom line of this story? We don’t need increased electronic surveillance of public space. We need more cycling, attentive citizens. Sure, the former is a lot easier to achieve than the latter, but it’s also a lot less effective. QED.
