Usually, when important things are changed, a system needs some time to adjust. The (west) German economy will benefit from the famed Hartz IV reforms, but alas, it will take a little. So, in the meantime, why not have a Hartz IV beer, for only two Euros a pint? Let’s just hope that the deflationary effect of such offers will remain rather limited… (ad seen on a pub window this week).
For those not familiar with German brands, “Granini” is higher quality fruit juice brand… though I love the sarcastic use of their glasses to sell a glowing poisonous something…
It’s not like there are no clever entrepreneurs in Germany anymore… Spiegel Online (in German) reports that the owner of two gyms for women in Munich, who left the Catholic church years ago, registered the internet domain “” only last Sunday, after doing only a little research about possible names for the next pope.
His bet was correct, and, unsurprisingly, several publishing houses are now interested in his domain.
I truly admire the ability of the journalists working for tabloids to break down complicated and confusing world events so everybody can understand what is really going on. While it’s not quite clear who the apparently confused Bild editor is referring to when claiming that “We are pope”, and while the Daily Mirror is struggling to find suitable canine metaphors that link “conservative”, “strong”, and “German” – ending up with “God’s Rottweiler” -, the Sun once more excels with a most admirable combination of knowledge and courage.
One clearly needs some guts (and a one-track mind) to use a nazi allusion in a headline describing the newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, the German Cardinal Ratzinger. Of course, after characterizing him as “ex-World War II enemy soldier” the newspaper suddenly felt the need to state at the end of the brief article that
“[h]e was 14 when forced to join the Hitler Youth. He later manned a German anti-aircraft battery – before deserting.”
The Sun editors probably don’t even believe themselves that anyone will keep reading long enough to get to that clarification.
That’s probably also the reason why they decided to use red smoke to indicate their endorsement for a third term of a Blair government. While I don’t think they wanted to imply that all Labour recently produced was red smoke , given the current state of Mr Blair’s government’s popularity, The Sun’s endorsement once more confirms that the Tories are doing everything they can to help Britain advance on its way to a one party state.
Getting There.
Hello again!
I know it has been a while since I’ve posted more than the occasional photo or a brief message to all ye faithful out there. Well, I’m not promising anything, but as you can see, I’ve redesigned “almost a diary” with the intention to write more frequently again.
There’s also a new blog, called “tapsmusic”, which I will use to publish some songs I’ve written, “demo-produced” and, mostly, also sung – check it out. One of the songs there has already been published over on A Fistful Of Euros last October.
Lastly, “rest” is the third new element of this site, and I will use it to publish anything that doesn’t quite fit this blog or doesn’t have anything to do with my music.
Well… that’s the future structure, for as you will see by clicking on the links, neither “tapsmusic” nor “rest” are working yet. But they will – very soon. Stay tuned!
One not made for Cannes.
These days, whereever I go, bad advertisement seems to multiply around me. Is it me, or is the quality of the common German advertisement getting worse, if at all possible?
Last Wednesday, at the anti-Bush demonstration during the President’s visit to Mainz, Germany: This demonstrator’s “subtle” statement about murderous, and militaristic foreign policy allegedly exhibited by a well known remaining superpower that “everyone, except ‘us'” (whoever us may be) allegedly participated in, is, ironically, just as subtly contradicted by a portrait of a certain Mr. Kruger printed on his jacket…
35 degrees
It’s -5 degrees at home. It’s snowing. In Rio, it’s 30 degrees. Sun’s shining. That’s about 1,5 degrees shift per hour for me until tomorrow evening.
– 16%
That’s how to stimulate the German aggregate demand: cut the VAT. Media Markt did just that – if only for a day. Consequence: queues unheard of since the end of communism. Unbelievable.