
Shining Beauty, II

Karl Lagerfeld allegedly is a great designer. Who knows. But he does have an eye for beauty, as this myspace video of a private photoshoot with Nicole Kidman clearly shows. I wonder if my ability to express myself in her presence would be as limited as Mr Lagerfeld’s, who is clearly at a loss for words to describe what he sees…

By the way – the video seems to be a teaser for Lagerfeld’s autobiographic documentary “Lagerfeld confidential”, which is being shown at this year’s Berlinale Festival (the film’s myspace page).



I don’t know whom Prince had in mind when he wrote “most beautiful girl in the world”. But I can certainly understand that, according to Die Welt, certain experts (whoever that may have been) have decided that he will probably have thought of her. I recently watched Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany’s again and I have to say their choice would have been mine, too.


Proof that Xavier Naidoo is wrong.

Alright, I’m posting this simply because Xavier Naidoo just sang “There’s nothing as beautiful as you” (that means me, no?) on the radio.

He’s wrong. Clearly wrong. Want proof? Have a look at the ladies competing in this years Miss Universe beauty pageant.

Well, I mean, I have personally witnessed how make-up artists and skilled photographs will turn any reasonably looking human being into an angle-specific Claudia Schiffer/Brad Pitt, but beauty is always nice to look at, no?
